Brian Gallo - CEO BGallo, LLC

Brian Gallo
The CEO of BGallo, LLC and Investor/Trader.

Bio: Brian has worked with the best firms and the most interesting characters on The Street. His tour at Merrill Lynch Silicon Valley led him to believe in "the talent trade" where he saw his mentor retire trading Google options. This taught him the value of contrarian concentration: Putting most of your eggs in the right talent-heavy basket. Yet Brian is not a perma-bull. His experience at Euro Pacific Capital working alongside the controversial Uber-Bear, Peter Schiff, solidified his belief in the unsustainable debt situation. He understands money printing is the one and only solution. This macro-perspective allows Brian to look for the most sought after non-cash assets, confident that while the short-run may be choppy, in the end, "cash is trash" and no place for your wealth. Most recently, his experience at Wedbush in Los Angeles, the nexus of content and technology, has taught him Investing is simply this: "You find the most talented teams in the world and you bet on them. Forget product, forget forecasts, forget plans. The world is moving too fast. Find the smartest guys in the room and buy and hold." Finally, his longtime and lifetime mentor, Nassim Taleb has taught Brian the imperative nature of positioning: "You must take Risk, you must have exposure to positive black swans." "A grandslam homerun in this game does not equal 4 runs. It can equal 40,000+ runs. Swing for the fences every at bat. Just make sure you get enough at bats. Keep going. Move Forward. Risk on."

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