Developer Resources

Scutify is an open platform and we welcome all developers, bloggers and news sites looking for help in creating value-add financial content, social networking and mobile app technologies.

Share Button

To put a "Share on Scutify" button, use the following code:

<div id="scutify-share"></div>
<script src=""></script>

A Share button example

Embed Your Scuttles

You can embed your Scuttles or those of another user's on your website/blog with the following code:

<iframe src="" width="100%" height="460" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Note: abc123 is the User ID of the user. This can be found on the User's Profile page.

User Embed

Embed Scuttles with Keywords

You can also embed Scuttles containing certain keywords. For example, if your website/blog was about Apple, you could include all Scuttles about Apple. Use the following code:

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="380"></iframe>

Search Embed


Our REST APIs are currently under construction. Once they are ready, we will post up the endpoints here. Stay tuned.